
Riley Lamont

Weekly(ish) thoughts about life, business, and the world.

how do you *know* that you know what you know?

The past few emails have been fairly coherent and put together. So let's ruin that today. I'm getting a double-edged sword tattooed soon. I genuinely say the term every single day. It's not a great thing -- Sometimes I wish I could be more convicted in what I say. But as an overthinker, everything is truly a double-edged sword. I can never just do. Wake up yesterday, in a deep rut. Remember I have free will and a bit of cash and can just book a flight to somewhere cheap in LatAm. Maybe I'll...

Why I wasn't happy in 2024 (and why you might not have been either)

I dropped a Tweet a few days ago that I want to expand on: riley. @lamxnt As we kick off the New Year, I am focusing primarily on my biggest single mistake in 2024: Not operating from a place of SHEER abundance. I was pretty heavy on Optimism (obviously, @IrrationalOpt), but I was always operating from a place of LACK. I am OPTIMISITC about where I… 10:3 AM • Jan 2, 2025 0 Retweets 23 Likes Read 2 replies Now, I have been a self-proclaimed...

Don't be too cool to be better

It might truly just be a byproduct of ADHD, but I COMPLETELY lose grasp of routines. Not routines as in 17 step morning checklists -- I mean I can literally forget that the human body needs food and accidentally fast for 72 hours. Most recently, I completely forgot that absolutely everything in my life improves 10x if I wake up early. I love waking up early. Early to me is 7-8, usually in the middle of that. EVERYTHING improves. I get more time to wake up and get my mind right before jumping...

We are entering the Roaring 20s

Sorry for going MIA... again. Hyperbolic time chamber is in full effect and I could've sworn I just sent an email. I just wanted to jump in here and say: You need to be more optimistic. You need to ask yourself "How would I spend my time tomorrow if I was GUARANTEED to win?" And then you need to act like that immediately. Confidence can be faked. It is not enough to "feel confident" that you'll be successful. You need to know it. It needs to be so obvious that you don't even think about it....

my thoughts on the election (as a canadian)

Total nasty clickbait on the subject line there. You know damn well I'm not talking politics. Well... Not exactly. I want to talk about the absolutely undeniable energy shift that's happened over the past 24 hours. Politics is the one topic I do genuinely try to avoid. Not because I'm scared of the confrontation, or because I'm one of those guys who "doesn't really pay attention..." But because I think it's literally pointless. My political views are pro humanity. I want the best for myself,...

if I hear this one more time I swe-

"It's about the journey, not the destination" SHUT UPPPPP You may as well say "Live Laugh Love." I hate when people let that fly casually like they're quoting a suburban mom $65 wood burned quote sign. Not just because it's cliché, but because if you repeat these little mantras enough they get burned into your subconscious. And this one, in my opinion, is wrong. Out of all the quotes I steal from thought leaders and drugged-out poets, I have one I use frequently that (as far as I know) came...

are you brave enough to break your own heart?

Despite how excited you may be to hear my perspective on love and relationships (this is sarcasm btw) I will not be talking about kind type of heartbreak. For that, I will refer you to Raw's tweet he posted yesterday. As with everything, I don't 100% agree with the sentiment (nuance, I know, scary) but it perfectly captures what I'll be talking about today in "love" sense. The type of heartbreak I'm talking about hurts way more. It sticks around longer. You can't drink it away. You can't...

i'm not sure how to say this.

Hey. For the first time in maybe my entire life, I genuinely do not know how to talk about this. I am going to try, and I WILL fall short, and this will be a very spotty all over the place email and you will be disappointed and say "Riley I thought you were supposed to articulate these dark abstract concepts why the hell did I even sign up for this" and to that I say... So I just got back from Morocco. I half-planned half-attended the retreat Irrational Optimism was hosting. Jake absolutely...

A sign that something is very wrong

I'm writing this on the train to Toronto. I am going to crush some drinks with some old friends and my lovely lady. I leave for Morocco in a few days (more on that later this week, believe me) and wanna see them before I go. A year ago, almost to the day, I was in this exact same position. On the same train, going to see the same people at the same spot (the local Irish pub, my second home), about to leave for a few weeks in Hawaii. Except there was one small difference... I was fucking...

I hope you don't have to read this...

Disclaimers (I'm writing these first but I know what's going to happen) This will be a long email, maybe save it for later I will probably either sound naive or superiority complex or like a complainer. None of those are true, but when I write about topics like this it's inevitable, so take everything at face value I am not calling anyone out directly I am very hypocritical (refer to point 2) We are in times of peak idiocracy and delusion on our side of the internet right now. This is for one...

Weekly(ish) thoughts about life, business, and the world.