
Riley Lamont

We are entering the Roaring 20s

Sorry for going MIA... again.

Hyperbolic time chamber is in full effect and I could've sworn I just sent an email.

I just wanted to jump in here and say:

You need to be more optimistic.

You need to ask yourself "How would I spend my time tomorrow if I was GUARANTEED to win?"

And then you need to act like that immediately.

Confidence can be faked. It is not enough to "feel confident" that you'll be successful.

You need to know it. It needs to be so obvious that you don't even think about it.

You need to be taking steps every day that make it UNREASONABLE NOT to be successful.

Reverse engineer your ideal life.


They literally printed infinite money, and some of it has your name on it.

There is AI and software and education that can shortcut your skill acquisition by years.

You just need to be curious.

There is something, right now, that you could be doing, that would be catapulting you straight towards the life of your dreams. It is NOT some made up mindset. It is a real thing.

What is it?

You need to find it. Seek it out. It's the ONLY thing that matters. Anything else is a waste of time; any of the "work" you're doing, or anything keeping you "busy," is very very unlikenly to be the actual thing you SHOULD be doing.

New Years is coming.

Take some time with a blank notebook.

Zoom out.

List everything you do in a typical day, week, month.

List out your goals. List out what you'd need to do before hitting it. Then what you'd need to do before hitting that one. And then that one.

Until you know EXACTLY what you need to do when you wake up tomorrow to GUARANTEE you will achieve your goals.

Then cut literally everything else and do that.

The energy shift that recently happened will 10x your inputs. JUST PUT THE WORK IN.


- RL

Riley Lamont

Weekly(ish) thoughts about life, business, and the world.

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